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Easy $0.50 for email submits. $20 possible from 1 referral. Get over 50 links to promote

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

● Get an easy $0.50 per email submission.

● Get up to $20 on one referral.

Get over 50 links, many of which can potentially pay hundreds of dollars for one referral.

🌐 Promote these from almost any country

3 Easy Steps

(This offer is not good for people needing same-day payment. Go here if you need same-day pay).

STEP 1️⃣

Sign up here if you have not already

STEP 2️⃣

Go to menu > live offers.

Click offer 68.

Click "Copy tracking link."

This is your 50-cent-per-email link.

STEP 3️⃣

Send the link to others, informing them it is a great training course by a top 1% affiliate marketer, a course they can refer others to, to earn. (I suggest you also look into getting the training yourself).

Earning $20

To get paid $20 if they pay $9.99 you need to pick a separate link. See this Facebook post for details.

Other Easy Referrals

If you like easy referrals, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click here 👇

I hope this helps you make money with a phone 🙂

Links are affiliate links that reward us.

Any offer on this site may be expired before you view it.

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